New Harbor Gateway Pocket Park to Break up Concentration of Sex Offenders

Councilman Joe Buscaino breaks ground on new pocket park in Harbor City. The new park on Torrance Blvd. will not only add more green and open space in the community, but it serves to break up the high concentration of sex offenders living in the area.

Also: – February 9 and 11,

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This is both a very hateful and disturbing man! Furthermore , he is ignorant as well. First, Harbor City isn’t one of the nicest areas in LA. There is a high concentration of gang members (paroles) and rents are cheap. It’s becoming clearly obvious that while people are brought to justice and punished for their crimes, we continue to see vigilante type city leaders who chose to not believe in rehabilitation and try and make a name for themselves! The sex offenders living in this area are probably no economically sound and simply attempting to survive along with this stigma. I would have certainly believed the Community of Harbor City would have been better served with a community center providing workshops or offering work related classes that would educate and assist those striving to get ahead in life! I have no doubt that this action will result in an action that will end up costing (lawsuits) taxpayers misfortune in the end! This is a highly disturbing and hateful man!

That Maxine Waters and Joe Buscaino are elected to office speaks volumes to the mentality and education level of their constituents. When I see and hear Walters speak, in particular, I am reminded of an African despot and South Central is her personal Uganda where the Rodney King riots were a “rebellion” in her view.

If you are unfamiliar with this woman, read some more of her more entertaining quotes here.

Last year Ms. Waters was the subject of a eventually cleared in an ethics probe., but there is not doubt in my mind that were anything but a black woman she would have been charged with a crime.

These are typical wag the dog diversion tactics.

Don’t look at my right hand which is stealing your money and lining my pockets, look at my at my left which is building a postage stamp-sized park to protect you from a make believe enemy.

They would have a high school band march and old ladies crying tears of joy if they were literally stoning us in the town square.

Joe Buscaino was born too late but is clearly making up for missing his true calling of working for the Nazi party. He certainly would have fit right into that organization. Guess this is the next best thing for this “gentleman” to spend his time doing.

His sort will fall just as the other “organization” ultimately did with their message of hate!

This guy is a poster child for hate mongers everywhere. This should be challenged in court as the construction of this park may force the evacuation of US citizens. The things that come to mind are Nazi relocations and the Trail of Tears to bring Herr Commandant Buscaino in line with his rightful place in the dictionary of evil.

I will wager that, before the year is out, a kid will be raped or even murdered in the park. And it won’t be by a registered sex offender.

With Nano-technology and the “advancements” in the information age, there will soon be Pocket Park application then certain US Citizens will be banned from 2,000 feet from a mobile phone for fear that one of the virtual park frequenters might be harmed. Mr. Busciano will be grand-standing again having proven that he is even protecting yet even more potential victims; however fictitious they may be. Someone please tele-transport this Neo Nazi to the world of the real Judge Dredd so he can live his dream in a faraway time and place.

Dear Sane People-

Banishment is probably a better argument than punitive or ex post, just a thought.

“The U.S. Constitution does not prohibit banishment, as long as the punishment and sentencing meet the substantive and procedural requirements of Due Process of Law. Banishment is not considered “cruel and unusual punishment.” As recently as 2000, the Court of Appeals for the State of Mississippi addressed banishment in Hamm v. Mississippi, 758 So. 2d 1042 (Miss App. 2000), referring to it as an “outmoded form of punishment.” Nevertheless, the court went on to address the limited circumstances under which the punishment may be used. The court insisted that the purpose of banishing someone must reasonably resemble the goals of probation—including that of rehabilitation of the offender—that both the person being sentenced and the general populace must be served, and that the defendant’s First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, and Fourteenth Amendment rights not be violated.”

Again, just a thought.
